Pineapple (Ananas comosus)

Pineapple (Ananas comosus)

Sun Agrigenetics is proud to offer Tissue Culture Pineapple MD2; considered by the industry standard all over world as most suitable for processing. Tissue cultured plantlets are the most suitable planting material in pineapple cultivation because they are not contaminated with common pathogens and resistant to mealy bugs, nematodes, wilt disease, heart and root rot. Our pineapple plants have several advantages:


  • Uniform yield, and even, uniform fruit weighing 1.3 to 2 kgs
  • Spineless darker green leaves, and fast growth
  • Pulp is sweeter and more complex than most market varieties such as Queen, and has less fiber
  • Contains four times more vitamin C than regular varieties but less has less acidity
  • Ripens evenly and naturally
  • MD2 pineapple has a long shelf life of 30 days after harvest as against 21 days for the other varieties and able to survive in cold storage for up to 2 weeks

Growing Pineapple can be very profitable ! 1 acre can produce about 18-20 metric ton of Pineapple and the average harvest time of this crop is around 14 - 15 month.