Pinewood Plant (Rs.160)

Pinewood Plant

pinewood are among the most important commercially tree pinewood is a high valuable and high profitable timber plant. pine plantation can be harvested after 8 to 10 years. pinewood  plant  grown in good condition will be about  9 meter hight and 3 fit  in diameter after  8 year . pinewood plant  hight25 to30 fit after  two years.  pine wood plant timber mostly  use costly official furniture house use furniture and door window etc.

Pines grow well in acid soils, some also on calcareous soils; most require good soil drainage, preferring sandy soils, but a few (e.g. lodgepole pine) can tolerate poorly drained wet soils. A few are able to sprout after forest fires (e.g. Canary Island pine). Some species of pines (e.g. bishop pine) need fire to regenerate, and their populations slowly decline under fire suppression regimens.

Several species are adapted to extreme conditions imposed by elevation and latitude (e.g. Siberian dwarf pine, mountain pine, white bark pine, and the bristlecone pines). The pinyon pines and a number of others, notably Turkish pine and gray pine, are particularly well adapted to growth in hot, dry semi desert climates.
Pine pollen may play an important role in the functioning of detrital food webs. Nutrients from pollen aid detritivores in development, growth, and maturation, and may enable fungi to decompose nutritionally scarce litter. Pine pollen is also involved in moving plant matter between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.