Plant Growth Promoter (PGP)

Enriched with vast industrial experience, we offer our clients an extensive range of Plant Growth Promoters that helps in the growth of the plants. It provides the excellent meal to the plants and is environment friendly in nature. We offer them in different capacities and strength and are delivered in well-defined time.

With the help of the expert professional’s team members, we have been supplying the best quality range of Plant Growth Promoters that are substances which improve the overall health growth and development of plants. These substances might be either artificially delivered or gotten from Biological subsidiaries. Plant Growth Promoters is viable in enhancing the yield, quality and efficiency altogether.

An organic product which has been manufactured as a result of various researches and they are high on demand among the farmers for use in the agricultural field for the enhancement of crops. Our provided plant growth promoters manufacturer are the substances that enhance the general well being and development of the plants. The significant advantages of these plant development promoters can be found in the harvest development, nature of the last yield and profitability.


  • Non toxic
  • Environment friendly
  • Balanced composition
  • Accurate pH value
Parash Growth